Talent is a term defined by the Mirriam-Websters dictionary as a special, often athletic, creative, or artistic aptitude; general intellegence or mental aptitude. Basketball Talent has a similar definition. However, when defining talent in relation to a player, one may be able to document it as: a special ability within a player that is demonstrated through instinct, mental aptitude, creativity, strength, speed and agility.
It must be noted that every basketball players level of talent is different. Usually it is the high level of talent that isn't developed or taught, but innate. Good coaches, lots of experience and playing with and against other talented basketball players enhances a player's level of talent.
Coaches look for talented players. The great Basketball Coach John Wooden once said, "I would rather take a team full of talent then a team full of experience". These words hold truth in many cases. Take a look at the current year and previous years NCAA Tournament Champions. They are teams full of talent. Even the losing teams in the championship games were full of exceptionally talented players.
Unfortunately, some players are not born with a high level of basketball talent. In other instances due to personal situations, players with high levels of talents are never groomed and developed under coaches, basketball trainers and teams that specialize in the enhancement of talent. Are you a talent? Have you always been able to use your God given abilities on the basketball court? Talent must be directed in a disciplined fashion, if not by the player then by a close confidant or mentor. Only then, will talent be placed on the right teams, in the best positions and made effective in the most important situations.
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