Thursday, March 18, 2010

Defense: 10% understanding, 90% Passion

One-on-one defense and team defense are different in many aspects, but the common similarity between the two is that you can't wake up in the morning and automatically know how to defend an offensive player. These different fundamental aspects of defense are learned skills. Coaches and players (believe it or not) teach students of the game how to get in a defensive stance, how to move their feet, stay on balance and take the necessary angles needed to create difficult situations for offensvie players. In team defense, "help and recover", knowledge of where the offensive player is on the court, as well as the double team in both half court and full court pressure situations are taught to aspiring defenders. Proper hand placement when defending the post or a dribbler in the backcourt as well as defending the jump shot are all skills that can be taught to players.

Does this mean that once taught and practiced a few times, you have what it takes to stop an offensive player? Maybe, if it is an average or below average offensive player. The one key component of defense that is missing and cannot be taught, even by the master teachers of the game is simply known as passion. Some call it heart, others call it desire, drive, determination or the will to put an end to what the offensive player wants to do. Passion is not practiced nor instilled in the makeup of everyone. In my opnion it is only in about 10% of the basketball players we call professionals. Yes, I said it, there are players at the highest level of the game that don't have passion when they play defense. Yet these players will be the first to tell you that offense wins games, defense wins championships.

A successful basketball coach, who has won several championships, once told me that offense is the best defense. I must say that at times, I agree with him. I also believe that this is the mentality that many NBA teams take on as most of the players in the game have mastered some facit of offense. However, take into account that as of April 10, 2008 there were only 432 players in the NBA. That leaves hundreds of thousands of young and old basketball players that need to have a different aspect on defending. Their mentality should be geared more towards learning the fundamentals of defense in both one-on-one and a team setting. While learning, apply the passion from within to do what it takes to stop the offensive player or make it extremely difficult for him to score, even if he or she does score.

Basketball is a game created for the passionate. It is a game that creates so much tension and competitive spirit that without heart and a will to win no matter what it takes, successfull moments will come far and few between. So the next time you step into the gym or onto the court remember to strike the match and let the fire from within burn. Your teammates will be thankful and the feeling of self-satisfaction will have a positive impact on you when the ball stops bouncing.

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